Stock at the port of Mühlhausen - Jurahafen GmbH


Jurahafen GmbH
An der Lände 13
92360 Mühlhausen

Phone: 09185/500312
Fax: 09185/500360   

Opening hours:
Mon-Fri 8 a.m.-noon + 1-5 p.m.

Coordination of loading/unloading is absolutely needed!

Contact persons on-site: 

Hubert KLebl 

Platzhalter Foto folgt

Platzhalter Foto folgt


Yavuz Murat

Roland Beer

Raphael Rippel



Capacity of stock:                 13.500 to
(thereof 50% Raiffeisenbank Freystadt)
Performance of approval:      120 to/h 
Performance of drying:
corn                                        4 to/h
grain                                      12 to/h     
loading/unloading:              truck, ship


Jurahafen was the first stock at port Bayernhof took a holding in. It was built "an der Lände" at Mühlhausen in 2006. Ships can load, unload and handle here. It is possible that only one person can manage the stock because of the modern technology. The handling is about 35.000 mt per year.
Bayernhof GmbH holds 75% of this stock. Another 25% are hold by one more partner.

In Mühlhausen we have the possibility to load/unload ships and trucks and of the lighterage of ships.

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Mühlhausen Jurahafen

Jurahafen Mühlhausen

Mühlhausen Jurahafen Schiffsverladung

Mühlhausen Jurahafen Schiffsverladung 1

Mühlhausen Jurahafen Warenannahme