Stock at Geiselhöring


Bahnhofstr. 28
94333 Geiselhöring

Phone: follows

Opening hours:
Mon-Thu 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Friday closed

Loading/unloading only after agreement!

Contact person on-site:


Valerian Damaschin


Capacity of stock:              15.000 to
Performance of approval:   1x 80 to/h, 1x 60 to/h, 1x 25 to/h
Performance of cleaning:   80 t/h
Performance of drying:       -
loading/unloading:             truck


Starting with the harvest 2020, the impressive 40 m high grain tower of the Labertal silo will be filled with Bayernhof spelt.

The stock at Geiselhöring was bought by Bayernhof in June 2020.

Mainly spelt (organic and conventional) is stored here, because of the spelt`s big store volume. Having 15.000 to of stock capacity as well as separated grain hoppers, the Labertal silo is the ideal choice.
Starting with the harvest 2020, spelt can be delivered here. Furthermore, Bayernhof is willing to receive organic grain in the future.

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Stock at Geiselhöring 01 Stock at Geiselhöring 02 Stock at Geiselhöring 03